Belongs to jerseyjenny Mexican Rice 

Because the spiciness of jalapeños varies from chile to chile, we try to control the heat by removing the ribs and seeds (the source of most of the heat) from those chiles that are cooked in the rice. Use an ovensafe pot about 12 inches in diameter so that the rice cooks evenly and in the time indicated. The pot’s depth is less important than its diameter; we’ve successfully used both a straight-sided sauté pan and a Dutch oven. Whichever type of pot you use, it should have a tight-fitting, ovensafe lid. Vegetable broth can be substituted for chicken broth.

ready in about an hour; serves 6
You might need to buy:
  • medium jalapeño chiles
  • long grain white rice
  • canola oil
  • tomato paste
  • table salt
  • minced fresh cilantro leaves

A wide-bottomed saucepan with a tight-fitting lid works best for evenly cooked rice. We prefer olive oil for this dish, but butter can be used as well. This recipe is based on authentic Mexican rice; however, this version is much quicker to prepare.

ready in about 30 minutes; serves 6
You might need to buy:
  • water
  • Table salt and ground black pepper
  • olive oil
  • tomato paste
  • minced fresh cilantro