Cinnamon Maple Apple Fruit Leathers dehydrate
(from beanarm’s recipe box)
- Ingredients
- 3-4 apples
- 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup
- Shake of cinnamon
Approximate serving size
2-3 large fruit leathers or 15-20 smaller rounds
Machine use
Vita-Mix or Food Processor and Dehydrator
Core and cut up the apples, then throw in the Vita-Mix.
Pour in maple syrup.
Shake in cinnamon.
Cover the Vita-Mix and blend until smooth.
Pour on the teflex dehydrator sheet to the desired size.
Whirl tray around to thin out a bit.
Put in dehydrator at 110 degrees for about 10-12 hours.
Gently using the blade of a knife and get under the wrap to loosen and flip it.
Put back in dehydrator for 1-2 hours.