Raw Vegan Cheesecake

(from beanarm’s recipe box)

Source: http://www.loveveggiesandyoga.com/2009/09/raw-vegan-cheesecake.html


  • The crust.
  • 1 c of almond meal
  • 2.5 large chewy dates
  • The Cheesecake Filling Mixture
  • Agave To Taste
  • 1-2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 c of soaked raw cashews (soaked for at least 3+ hours)
  • Optional: Vanilla Extract


  1. into my Vita, Crust…And in 30 secs I had my crust.
  2. I smooshed the crust mixture it into my container. And got to work on the filling.

  3. I blended those ingredients and in the VitaCreamer for a couple minutes because I wanted this filling perfectly smooth.

  4. As a sidenote, in about 45 more seconds, I would have had cashew butter. Note to self…that would be hot diggity yummy, too.

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