Peach Fried Pies

(from saymyname’s recipe box)

Serves 10 people

Categories: Dessert, Peaches


  • Pastry:
  • 2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons vegetable shortening or 6 tablespoons lard
  • 3/4 cup whole milk
  • Filling:
  • 2 cups chopped fresh peaches or 2 cups frozen peaches
  • 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • Finish:
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 large egg
  • canola oil, for frying


  1. The pastry: in a big bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt; cut in shortening using a pastry blender, until no pieces are larger than a pea.

  2. Add the milk and combine, using a fork; gather the dough and knead lightly for 1 minute.

  3. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate while preparing the filling.

  4. The filling: in a medium saucepan, combine the peaches, brown sugar, and allspice.

  5. Cook and stir over medium heat for 5 minutes, or until the sugar is dissolved and the peaches are juicy.

  6. In a small bowl, combine the vinegar and cornstarch; add to the peaches and cook/stir for 10 minutes, or until the mixture is thick and glossy.

  7. Stir in the lemon juice; transfer mixture to a shallow dish to cool.

  8. In a small shallow dish, combine sugar and cinnamon; set aside.

  9. Make the pies: roll the dough 1/8 inch thick on a lightly floured surface.

  10. With a sharp knife or cutter, cut ten 6-inch circles.

  11. Place 2 tablespoons peach filling in the center of each circle.

  12. Beat the egg with 1 teaspoon water; brush a thin line of egg wash around the edges of the circle.

  13. Fold to form a half-moon shape; lightly press out any air pockets.

  14. Press the edges with the tines of a fork to seal; pierce one time on top of each pie with a fork to let steam escape while frying.

  15. Heat 1 inch of canola oil in a large skillet to 375°; set a wire rack over a baking sheet lined with newspaper or paper towels.

  16. Gently place pies, two at a time, pierced side up, in the skillet; fry to golden brown, turning once, 2 minutes per side.

  17. Remove from oil and let drain briefly on wire rack.

  18. Toss in the cinnamon sugar and allow to cool for 5 minutes.

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