- pasta sauce
- tin tomatoes
- pasta
- rice
- Milk
- Toilet Paper
- Dog food dry and tinned
- Ice cream
- Dishwashing powder / liquid
- Clothes Washing liquid
- Snacks - 2 minute noodles/ spagetti
- Eggs
- Orange Juice
- Butter
- Garlic spread
- Shampoo/Conditioner/Soap/Deoderant/Shavers
- Wine
- Coke
- Bread
- Cheese
- Small group supper - lollies, chocolate, buscuits, cake
- Tea/coffee
- Sugar
- Cereal
- Fruit for lunches and snacks - fruitsalad
- Yoghurt for snacks
- Yoghurt - Natural
- tins tuna
- cucumber
- lettuce
- cherry tomatoes
- carrot
- capsicum
- Frozen dinners
- Frozen Mixed Berries