Categories: slow cooker
- ZUCCHINI---Start with whatever amout you want.
- I use about 5 pounds.
- 1 pound Hamburger - More if you like the meat.
- 1 med or large onion I cook separtely.
- Small can whole kernal corn.
- 1 to 2 cans tomato soup no water.
- Can add Mushrooms
Slice Zucchini and I usually fill my small slow cooker – Juice from the zucchini will fill the cooker. remove some of the juice.
Brown Hamburger in a separate fry pan
Chop the onion and cook it in fry pan
Add hamburger, Onion, Corn with zucchini
brown Mushrooms and add them if you want
If too much juice remove some before adding the can of Tomato soup. If large amount of zucchini dish may need 2 cans of tomato soup
salt to taste, can add pepper
can bake in oven 350 for 35 minutes