Biscuits in “Double-Fry”

(from cokerlj’s recipe box)

A Double-Fry is a special two sided, fold up skillet.

Source: Franklin Motl, Ron Coker

Categories: Camping


  • 2 cans small canned biscuits
  • 1/2 stick margarine


  1. Place 1/2 stick margarine in skillet, close and heat butter and skillet. Flip skillet to coat both sides of skillet.

  2. Using TWO CANS of the small, inexpensive canned biscuits, coat each side of biscuit with margarine by dipping and flipping in butter melted in double-fry.Place one can of biscuits in one side of double-fry, layer the other can of biscuits directly on top of the first layer, not into the other side.

  3. Close empty side over the full side. Place over low-medium heat and cook for 10 minutes. Flip over, cook another 10 minutes. Flip over, cook another 5 minutes and check to see if done.

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