Biscuits in Dutch Oven

(from cokerlj’s recipe box)

Source: Ron Coker

Categories: Camping


  • 1 can inexpensive small biscuits
  • 1/4 stick margarine


  1. Pre-heat your dutch oven over coals.

  2. In an aluminum foil pie pan, melt 1/4 stick margarine.

  3. Use the small, inexpensive canned biscuits. Dip each in margarine in foil pan and flip each over, this will coat each side of biscuit with a light coat of margarine.

  4. Make 3 to 4 small balls of foil and flatten out slightly. Place these evenly over the bottom of the empty dutch over. These will be the “legs” for your pie pan.

  5. Place pie pan with biscuits on top of foil balls or “legs”. Place lid on dutch oven and place on coals, also put some coals on top of lid.

  6. Bake biscuits until done. Check after about 15 minutes.

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