Grape Catchup

(from Lucianolinda’s recipe box)

Source: Woman's Day magazine

Categories: sauces


  • 4 lbs. grapes
  • 2 lbs. sugar
  • 1 pint vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. whole cloves
  • 2 tsp. whole allspices
  • 2 Tbsp. stick cinnamon


  1. Wash grapes and remove them from the stems. Place them in pan and steam them without water, until they are soft.
  2. Rub fruit through a sieve, add remaining ingredients (spices tied in a bag) and simmer 20 minutes. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal.
  3. makes 2 1/2 pints

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