M&M’s Caramel Cake-in-a-Jar

(from castro15’s recipe box)

Categories: Desserts


  • 2 (15 oz.) boxes of white cake mix
  • 5 color gel food coloring
  • M&M's Caramel
  • White icing
  • Caramel sauce
  • 6 (24 oz.) wide-mouth jars


  1. Mix the batter from the cake mix as directed. Divide into five equal amounts and add a different color gel food coloring to each. Bake each color in a 9×12 inch sheet pan at 350, for 8-10 minutes.

  2. When cool, cut into rounds the same size as the jars. Place a layer of M&M’s in the bottom of each jar. Add a cake round. Pipe icing along outer edge of round. Repeat cake and icing layers, using different colors of cake, until jar if full. Add more M&M’s between any layer. Top with a swirl of icing and a drizzle of caramel. Decorate the top with M&M’s.

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