- 6 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
- 1pkg yeast (Fleischmans rapid rise; extra like a pkg and a half speeds the process)
- powder milk to make 1 qt. (they come in 1qt. envelopes)
- 3T sugar
- 3t salt
- PUT IN MICROWAVE for 3 minutes on high
- 3T Crisco
- 3and 1/2 cups water
Pour some in and stir until you get the right consistency; depends on weather; knead until lumps out of dough-knead about 5 minutes
Put in pan and cover with towels. Put in oven with light on 40 minutes or until double.
Take out and knead a couple of minutes then roll 15” x15 “ to about 1/4 thick.
read with 2sticks of butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar (lots). Roll. Cut 1” slices or larger. Arrange loosely in greased pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar ; let rise again and bake 30-35 minutes at 350.
2capfuls of Watkins double strength white vanilla
box of powdered sugar (do a little at a time) with 1/2 and 1/2.