thyme/rosemary dutch oven bread

(from maude’s recipe box)

Categories: Bread/Rolls


  • 3 C bread flour
  • 1 1/4 C water
  • 1 t yeast
  • 1 1/2 t coarse salt
  • 1 1/2 T rosemary
  • 1 1/2 T thyme
  • 1/4 C olive oil
  • Can make kalamata bread with 1/2
  • c kalamata olives and using 1 1/2 C water and no oil-no thyme or rosemary


  1. bloom yeast in water 5+ minutes

  2. On kitchen aid bowl combine salt and bread flour, using paddle and on low

  3. bloom yeast in water 5+ minutes

  4. Add yeast/water mixture to flour and mix on low using dough hook about 5 minutes

  5. turn out into greased bowl, and knead slightly by hand using flour freely

  6. On kitchen aid bowl combine salt and bread flour, using paddle and on low

  7. cover with seran and let sit 18-24 hours in maybe oven

  8. Heat oven to 475- remove knob on top of handle of dutch oven-use smaller blue dutch oven-and place bottom in oven for 30 minutes=not lid

  9. Add yeast/water mixture to flour and mix on low using dough hook about 5 minutes

  10. When in oven 30 minutes then:

  11. Turn dough onto floured board and flour hands and form dough into that of bottom of dutch oven

  12. turn out into greased bowl, and knead slightly by hand using flour freely

  13. Bake 450 with lid on for 30 minutes

  14. Remove lid and bake 9-15 minutes longer-

  15. cover with seran and let sit 18-24 hours in maybe oven

  16. Spritz with water 3 times first 7 minutes

  17. Heat oven to 475- remove knob on top of handle of dutch oven-use smaller blue dutch oven-and place bottom in oven for 30 minutes=not lid

  18. When in oven 30 minutes then:

  19. Turn dough onto floured board and flour hands and form dough into that of bottom of dutch oven

  20. Bake 450 with lid on for 30 minutes

  21. Remove lid and bake 9-15 minutes longer-

  22. Spritz with water 3 times first 7 minutes

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