Chapathi upma/uppittu

(from Nandini’s recipe box)

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Serves 3 people

Categories: Upma


  • Chapathis 2-3
  • Onion 1/2 cup
  • Green chillies 2-3
  • Asafoetida a pinch
  • Curry leaves 1 strand
  • Turmeric a pinch
  • Mustard seeds 1/4 tea spn
  • Urad daal 1/4 tea spn
  • Coconut 1 and 1/2 tbl spn
  • Oil/ghee 2 tea spns
  • Sugar 1/2 tea spn
  • Coriander leaves 2-3 strands
  • Salt


  1. Cut chapathis into as small pieces as possible (do not powder them).

  2. Heat oil/ghee and add mustard seeds and urad daal. When mustard starts popping and daal becomes slightly brownish, add curry leaves, green chilles and asafoetida. Add onion and turmeric. Fry till onions turn translucent.

  3. Add chapathi pieces (if chapathi is very hard, sprinkle some water), salt and sugar. Mix all ingredients for sometime (do not fry for a long time, otherwise the chapathi pieces become hard).

  4. Garnish with coconut and chopped coriander leaves. Mix well.

  5. Serve hot.

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