Coconut Theeyal (Ulli Theeyal, Shallot onion Theeyal)

(from Nandini’s recipe box)

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Serves 4 people

Categories: sambar/curry/Huli


  • Coconut (grated) - 1 big
  • Small onion - 10 nos
  • green chillies - 2
  • garlic (optional) - 4
  • curry leaf - 2 strings
  • musturd seeds - 1tsp
  • tamarind paste - 3 tblsp


  1. Method

  2. Fry the grated coconut in a pan till it becomes golden brown. keep it aside to cool

  3. On another pan pour 3tblsp of oil and put the mustard seeds.

  4. Put the small onions.

  5. Meantime grind the roasted coconut into fine paste without adding water.

  6. Put that paste with the sauteed onion.

  7. Pour water and make it boil. Simmer the flame and add tamarind paste.

  8. Let it cook till oil floats on top.

  9. Instead of onion theeyal you can make theeyal with other vegetables like drumstick (murigakkai) theeyal , prawn theeyal, brinjal (vazhuthanakai) theeyal, okra(vendakkai) theeyal, bittergourd (pavakkai) theeyal, zucchini theeyal, lotus root theeyal etc.

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