Crock-pot Chicken and Rice

(from kylerhea’s recipe box)

**Would be good with green chilies and/or taco seasoning.

Source: RecipeThing user sono_io (from RecipeThing user imbj3926) (from RecipeThing user jtdarby)


  • 3 frozen chicken breast halves
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup (26-oz size)
  • 1 soup can hot water
  • 2 bouillon cubes
  • 2 cups raw rice


  1. Dissolve the bouillon cubes in hot water. Then add in the soup and rice. Mix well then pour over frozen chicken breasts in crock pot. Cook on low for 6-ish hours. If it will cook for more than 8 hours, leave the rice out and cook it on the stove at dinnertime; otherwise the rice will turn to mush.

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