Pickled Banana Peppers II

(from greenfood’s recipe box)

Prep time: 25 minutes
Serves 12 people


  • 2 cups white vinegar
  • 2 cups apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp mustard seed
  • 1 tsp celery seed
  • 1 lb banana peppers seeded & sliced into rings


  1. Bring the vinegar, sugar, mustard seed and celery seed to a rolling boil.

  2. Pour brine over peppers to within ½" of the top.

  3. Wipe off the rim and put lid and ring on.

  4. Store in the fridge.

  5. You can also follow proper canning procedures and then process them in a water bath canner if you prefer. Follow the USDA guidelines for proper sterilization and timing.

  6. Be sure to verify that the lids have completely sealed down if storing on the shelf.

  7. Leave for 1 week or longer to let peppers marinate (if you can wait that long!)

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