115 cal.
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- 1oz vanilla vodka
- peach slices
- 1oz SF Peach Torani Syrup
- Breyer’s Cal Smart Vanilla Ice Cream
- crushed ice
- Splenda packet
48 cal.
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- Bacardi Island Breeze - Wild Berry
- Coke Zero
- Twist of lemon
“There are some really great recipes for making lighter egg nog. I have a friend who SWEARS by this recipe.”
You might need to buy:
- nonfat milk
- packets of Splenda
- half a teaspoon of rum extract
- nutmeg
ready in about an hour and 15 minutes;
serves 6
You might need to buy:
- zucchini
“Here’s a sweet, refreshing smoothie that’s so luxurious and decadant, it makes an amazing dessert. (Pssst, it’s very low in calories, so feel free to squirt a bit of FF Reddi-Whip on top!)” 115 cal.
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- Mango Tropical Minute Maid Light
- medium banana
- Dreyer's Grand Light Vanilla Ice Cream
- frozen or fresh peaches
- ice cubes
- lemon juice
“HG’s citrus concoction tastes just like an Orange Julius.” 85 cal.
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- Langer's Diet Orange Juice Concentrate
- packets of Splenda
- water
- ice cubes
- vanilla
This filling smoothie is not only gorgeously purple, it also tastes great! 110 cal.
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- frozen banana
- frozen blueberries
- Tropicana Light Orange Juice
Great with chips or over grilled chicken.
You might need to buy:
- serrano chiles
- cilantro
- lime
“All the great taste of a fast-food Oreo shake.” 158 cal, 4g fat
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- 5oz. 8th Continent Light Vanilla Soy Milk
- pack of 100 Calorie Packs Oreo Thin Crisps
- Splenda packets
- ice
5 cal
serves 1
You might need to buy:
- Lemon
- Water
- Sugar Free Raspberry Torani Syrup
- Ice
- Splenda