Other veggies can be added to the carrot wok, either before the carrots for hard things or with the sauce for softer.
serves 8
You might need to buy:
- Chinese sesame oil
- baby carrots
- unseasoned rice vinegar
- honey
- sesame tahini
- napa or savoy cabbage
Smaller florets work better (and cook quicker) than larger ones. Fattier sour cream curdles less, unfortunately. If the mushroom slices are too small they will disappear; if that’s good, then make them smaller.
ready in about 35 minutes;
serves 4
You might need to buy:
- red or green bell pepper
- dry sherry
- mushrooms
- cauliflower
- sour cream
serves 6
You might need to buy:
- rhubarb stalks
- little extra water or apple juice
- wheat germ
This is great over any pasta—light and clean. You’ll never buy canned spaghetti sauce again.
ready in about 15 minutes;
serves 6
You might need to buy:
- garlic
- plum tomatoes
- fresh italian parsley or basil
You might need to buy:
- грибы
- соль
- лавровый лист
- черный перец
- гвоздика
- чеснок
- гр уксуса
You might need to buy:
- грибы
- соль
- чеснок
- перец горошком
- лавровый лист
- укроп
- мл виноградного уксуса
You might need to buy:
- растительного масла - 120г
- чеснок - 2 - 3 зубчика
- черный перец горошек - 10 шт
- соли - 1 ч ложка
- сахара - 2 ч ложки
- лавровый лист - 4 шт
You might need to buy:
- опят - 10 кг
- соли - 500 г
- лаврового листа - 20 г
- душистого перца - 120 горошин
- зеленого укропа - 180 г
- шинкованного лука - 180 г.
serves 4
You might need to buy:
- 5tbl olive oil
- 1lrg onion chopped
- 300ml dry white wine
- 1/2tbl wine vinegar
- 1x2 mint sprigs
- 2clvg arlic chopped
- 4xred mullet cleaned
- 1xsalt and pepper
- flour for coating
- garnish:
- orange and lemon
- slices
- mint sprigs
You might need to buy:
- 1tsp Cumin seeds
- 1tsp Coriander seeds
- 1tsp Turmeric
- 8tbl Olive oil
- 1xLemon
- 1xLime
- 2xMini pitta breads
- Salt & pepper